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Health care products will be records have become a drug firms will compete for territory

In recent years, as people living standard rise, increasing health consciousness, have physical fitness function of health care products in the broader market space.Many pharmaceutical companies have to catch this opportunity, ready to play a prominent role in health care products on the market, some people think that health care products market will usher in a new round of war.

Released recently, the state administration of drug safety "about inviting public health food raw materials announcement of the opinions of directory (first batch). According to the announcement, the rules of the first directory, in order to better regulate health food raw materials inventory management, carrying out health food registration management work in accordance with the law.

Health care products will be records

You remember in May last year, month, prime minister li keqiang chaired a state council executive meeting, decided: "in accordance with the requirements of administration according to law for 20 items such as health food registration for examination and approval according to the application to the administrative licensing", namely records.

Earlier, health food registration for examination and approval system, the health care food shall be in accordance with the law through the examination and approval and registration certificates, to get the "blue hat" logo, to go on sale. Registered need to submit the declaration of complex, some products repeated examination and approval, registration, inspection process time is long, cost.

It is understood that the original health food registration approval for non-executive licensing examination and approval matters, and the new food Ann method has access to health food management regulations for "for". The announcement issued by the country's opinion, the future of health food products have been defined as the administrative licensing, register for examination and approval of the specification of raw material directory management for the record.

If the records, the full implementation of the health food registration will tend to be simple, because of the monopoly caused by document control will be broken, drug companies into the cost will be greatly reduced.

In addition, with increasing health consciousness of people, have physical fitness function of health care products in the broader market space. Many pharmaceutical companies have to catch this opportunity, ready to play a prominent role in health care products on the market, some people think that health care products market will usher in a new round of war.

Health care products has become a drug firms will compete for territory

In 2009, CCTV news channel, China officially launched "cure not ill" health project, emphasize prevention in advance, in the future, especially in hospital, hospital will step up efforts in terms of "cure not ill", recover before the disease, illness, and even disease is likely to be applied to in the process of health care products.

According to CCTV news report, in cure not ill health project, will play an important role in the process of Chinese medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine keeping in good health and health care concept under the guidance of preventive care prevention methods will face greater policy support, some of this concept as a guide the development of health care products and so on will be big. Traditional Chinese medicine will have larger development space in the field of health care products.

For an example of one of the most popular, if a man at a hospital diagnose weak sperm, male doctors usually recommend to the outside of the courts of hospital pharmacy to buy a kind of health care products that are rich in protein, zinc, selenium. Why is this? Because this kind of health care products to enhance the sperm vitality really have the obvious auxiliary effect, for many male sterility due to insufficient sperm vitality.

So, although health care products are not in hospital pharmacy, but this really is a gold market outside the court. Citizens with a different concept for medicines and health products, medicine is considered injury body, especially the western medicine, and health care products through regulate body state, enhance immunity, to ward off disease. So, health care products market sales of retail pharmacy in recent years has been higher.

Health care is now a records management, which can become health care products, country also began to for advice, Chinese medicine enterprises, the heart didn't you? Whether you move, we see foreign drug firms also very bullish on China's health care products market, and increase the firepower distribution.

Recently, the global pharmaceutical giant Pfizer from can be acquisition of thousand and thousand brand series, Lin Lin to enrich its dietary supplement product line. Pfizer health medicine division asia-pacific President Cai Baoguang, said qian Lin perfected the Pfizer health medicine division series products in China, strengthening the Pfizer's position in the field of dietary supplements.

IMS, according to Pfizer health care products in China for more than twenty percent market share. In addition to traditional pharmacies, Pfizer more than 10 years ago and hospital cooperation, will now hospital expert help for product promotion. In addition, as new product contains beauty series of products, Pfizer will also enhance and business cooperation.

Along with the idea of "cure not ill" in the hospital, the future health care hospital outside sales, especially the DTC hospital pharmacy, will be a new growth point of health care products market, is also a big drug firms mohican.