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Winter health tonic Big Chill health should pay attention to four points

Big Chill is in the final year of a solar terms, it can be said that in addition to the old and welcome of a throttle. As the name suggests, Big Chill is a cold heaviest solar terms, which, Dahan health should pay attention to what?

First, the Big Chill diet: solid protection spleen

Big Chill diet should ensure compliance with the principles of Yin and Yang in the diet. Less bitter salty diet should be increased in order to keep the heart qi, kidney so strong, avoid sticky hard, cold food, hot food should prevent damage to the spleen and stomach yang, but it was not too hot food, the taste of food can be properly concentrated some have a quantitative lipids, to maintain a certain amount of heat. Furthermore, it should eat more green and yellow vegetables, such as carrots, rape, spinach and so on. Further, since the Big Chill coincides with the Spring Festival, the average family will prepare festive food rich Chinese New Year, this time to pay attention to avoid hunger and satiety disorders, and can eat with spleen Xiaozhi effect of food, such as yam, hawthorn, grapefruit, etc., You can drink such as millet gruel, spleen dampness porridge conditioning.

On the other hand, the Big Chill season is still a good time to winter tonic, the focus should be on solid protection spleen, tone the liver blood tonic of two ways: First, Sibu, two drugs make up. "Medicine as tonic", should give priority to Sibu. People indulge in yang tonic to warm food is appropriate, such as lamb, chicken and the like; indulge Yin Yin deficiency with appropriate food, such as duck, goose, turtle, turtles, mushrooms and so on. Drugs make to combine their physical and pathologies choose to take, such as physical weakness, Qi people can convince Ginseng; deficiency may serve Liuweidihuang balls. People can also be combined with drinking wine tonic, a common Shiquan large tonic wine, wolfberry wine, Chinese caterpillar fungus tonic like.

Second, the Big Chill living: bed early evening

"Big Chill" to conform to the winter season closed reservoir characteristics, so bed early evening. Go to bed early in order to raise the body's yang, nourishing yin evening for gas. Big Chill season, in addition to the cold, the wind must. As the saying goes, "cold feet from the cold from the legs to the" people's legs and feet of a cold, the body are cold. Therefore, in order to hot feet before going to sleep, make blood vessels expand, blood flow to accelerate and improve the foot skin and tissue nutrition, reduce muscle tension, improve sleep quality, especially those who love reading writing at night, sedentary late into the night people, before going to bed, but should feet with hot water.

As the saying goes: "Big Chill Big Chill, cold wind." If clothing is too thin, easy to feel the cold pathogen; conversely, clothing too thick, the Cou open vent, also easily lead to invasion of pathogenic cold. In the Big Chill season clothing should be ready to increase and decrease as the climate changes. It should also ensure adequate sleep, keep indoor air circulation, cold weather, some people were cold and shut doors and windows, and some people like to sleep hooded, these bad habits cause indoor air can not circulate and produce timely Cloud gas, affect health.

Third, the Big Chill sports: exercise Tiaoshen

In winter, we must always keep feet clean and dry socks frequent change and wash every day to adhere to the feet with warm water, while massage and stimulate feet acupuncture points. Adhere to walk more than half an hour a day, activities feet. In addition, choose a pair of warm light, comfortable, moisture absorption good shoes are also very important.

As the saying goes, "Winter Move, less trouble a disease; winter, a lazy lazy, drink a bowl of medicine." Winter activities, exercise for health have special significance. Big Chill season sport can be divided into two kinds of indoor and outdoor, physical exercise can be jogging, tai chi, Ba Duan Jin, playing basketball, etc., but should pay attention to exercise intensity, not excessively intense, avoid disturbing yang, while outdoor activities can not get up too early, and so after sunrise as well.

Winter is easy to make people physically and mentally depressed state. The best way to change is depressed activity, such as jogging, skating, dancing, playing, etc., are the elimination of winter boredom, maintain the spirit of the medicine Oh.

Fourth, the Big Chill cheer: ease of mind

Mind strong, air-smooth, smooth blood and body limbs to warm, before the invasion against the winter cold. Therefore, in the Big Chill season, we should feel at ease cultivation, refreshing Lianqi, especially the elderly, because before and after the Spring Festival this year falls on Big Chill, children and grandchildren, then the spirit nursed back to health should also be taken to avoid too happy or sad, to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Pay attention to maintaining ease of mind, peace of mind, so that the body's blood rolls, without disturbing the body's yang closed Tibet, so that "righteousness deposit, evil can not do."