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[Health] Experts teach you how to eat for health care

Do not bite off more clothes vitamin. Most people through a normal diet, various nutrients in the body and will not seriously lacking. In this case, if still a lot of vitamin supplements every day, the majority can not be effectively absorbed, at the same time, they are to be excreted through the liver metabolic breakdown, which undoubtedly greatly increased the workload of the liver.

Liver should not use bad health wine "supplement." Drinking itself has certain effects on the liver, the liver function itself is not a good crowd, but care should not drink wine, "a supplement." Health wine complex composition generally contains a variety of Chinese medicines after they enter the body through the liver metabolic needs, poor liver function who take their own long-term, chronic liver damage may bring. Therefore, if you need to take wine, you should consult a doctor.

Caution in patients with kidney disease protein powder. Proteinuria in patients with kidney disease should not take protein powder, vegetable protein due to contained therein can increase the burden on the kidneys, resulting in exacerbations. In addition, patients with cardiovascular disease complications if diabetes and hypertension kidney damage has occurred, should be under the guidance of doctors, and adhere to medication treatment.

Experts suggest that you take for health care products, should observe whether the regular manufacturers, the top left corner of health care products packaging Health food is not blue flag (blue hat) one day. Under chronic disease patients under the guidance of doctors to ensure treatment of the premise, advising whether the use of these health products.